Milk Snake    Contact Me 


Biological Survey

Herping the Siouxland


Vivid Line Variable King snakes are still available!
(Lampropeltis mexicana leonis)

These are all 3 years old now
(Hatched in August 2021)
getting big and looking great.


All eating a frozen thawed fuzzy  mouse right out of my hand
 every 10 days.
$225 each
(Plus shipping)

(Shipping details down below)


                   # 1 (Male)
                   20 + inches


               # 2 (Female) 

               20 + inches


      See all the shipping details down below.



I use PayPal and ship through

Reptiles Express.

(FedEx Priority Overnight)

Shipping price is usually about

$40 - $75

(Send me your zip code for exact amount)

When ordering, please remember to include your phone number, Email address and whether shipping will be to Residential, Business or
 at local FedEx location.

If at all possible... I highly recommend you choose to 
Hold at your local FedEx location.
If you do choose to pick up

at your local FedEx location, then you MUST send me the address and zip code for that location... NOT your home address.


I usually ship on Tuesday or Wednesday for a pickup/delivery the next day.
However... Occasionally there is a delay, so please be aware that you might have to allow an extra day in your schedule to receive the snakes. It's a rare event, and has only happened a few times, but it does occasionally happen.


           I will have a fresh batch of 2024 
       hatched old '97' Meltzer/Jessen line
          Honduran Milksnakes available
                  again in the spring.

 Let me know if you're interested and I'll put 
                     you on the list.


Here are the grandparents: 

'Tang' the male. 

Close to 5 feet long and still just as gorgeous as the day I bought him.

And here is the female:


She gradually got dark as she grew, and was pretty nasty too, but after a few years her color actually became brighter and she tamed down quite a bit. She measures in at 

5 1/5 feet long.

Here's the happy couple busy mixing up a new batch.

They are retired now, but their offspring, the female (Hatched in 2014) and the male, (Hatched in 2016) are nearly identical.



Here's the natural history of
Milksnakes of the Minnesota Valley.

Eastern Milksnake: These medium sized snakes are nearly identical to Fox Snakes including size, habits and coloration. However...they belong to an entirely different group: (Lampropeltis triangulum) The name "Milksnake" originated from the southern Appalachian region where farmers were convinced that their Cows were being milked dry by these 3-4 foot long snakes. An erroneous belief...for all snakes have lots of very tiny very Sharp teeth that no Cow in the world would stand for! It's more likely that they were in the barns hunting for Mice. (Of which they consume a great many of every Summer) These snakes also eat a wide variety of prey items including: Mice, small Rats, nestling Birds, eggs, Frogs and Other Snakes!!! The Milksnakes in south central Minnesota are renowned for being the most dull, colorless variety in the whole upper mid-west! (In other parts of the country they exhibit a wide array of reds, tans, gold and even a rare  "greenish" color phase. (The individual to the left portrays the most common color variety around here. The rust colored one up above was the prettiest one I've ever seen!) However...They seem to have a subdued beauty all their own as adults. Hatchlings, on the other hand, often times have brilliant Red blotches on a creamy white background. These snakes are probably the most rarely seen of all our snakes. They might be a lot more common than we think. The only problem is they are experts at hiding! They spend most of the daytime buried just below the surface in the grass and leaf litter and apparently only come out at night during the hot Summer months. About the only time you'll ever see one of these is late in the year (Indian Summer) when hatchlings are out seeking places to hibernate. I average only about 1 or 2 sightings of these mysterious creatures a year. I've been told that these Snakes were extremely common in and around the New Ulm area! Stories abounded of the poor local residents being tormented by Milksnakes trying to move into their basement foundations in the Fall. (I'd like to find out if this is still true) If so...Just leave them alone. They'll come and go without causing any trouble at all. (In fact they'll take all your pesky Mice out with them when they leave in the Spring) If the mere idea of this is truly Horrifying...PLEASE don't kill them! Call ME instead. I've been wanting to obtain an adult pair for further research and to get some better photos.           


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